Employee monitoring: a guide to best practices

This eBook, ‘Employee monitoring: a guide to best practices’ aims to help you decide whether employee tracking is right for your organisation. Complete with advice and insights from thought leaders, the guide looks at types of surveillance, who, when and where to monitor, ethical considerations and practicalities.

1 mins read
Employee Monitoring Mobile

Employee monitoring can help ensure productivity and accountability among employees, as managers can track their work progress and identify areas where improvement is needed. Monitoring enhances data security by detecting and preventing unauthorised access or data breaches and additionally, it enables you to adhere to regulatory and compliance requirements, reducing legal risks. 

The key thing to remember is that workplace surveillance is perfectly acceptable, as long as you can legally justify your reasons, and it is always better to be ‘overt’, not ‘covert’.  

A report shows that despite normality returning to working life post-pandemic, demand for employee surveillance software is 49% above 2019 levels. 

Our eBook, ‘Employee monitoring: a guide to best practices’, provides insight from top experts in the field including:    

Keith Rosser, Director of Group Risk and Reed Screening, Reed 

Hayfa Mohdzaini, Senior Research Adviser, CIPD

 By downloading this eBook, you will discover:   

  • What employee monitoring is 

  • Whether it's needed for your business

  • Considerations for introducing workplace monitoring  

  • The benefits and drawbacks  

  • Potential impact of surveillance on the workforce 

  • Your duties as a responsible employer 

“Monitoring software that employees see as intrusive and unnecessary is more likely to erode mutual trust in the employment relationship. Employers need to show how using monitoring software can benefit employees, while respecting their privacy.” -Hayfa Mohdzaini, Senior Research Adviser, CIPD.

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Parenting Out Loud: improving support for working fathers
11 mins read
  1. Article

Parenting Out Loud: improving support for working fathers

​​The idea of ‘Parenting Out Loud’ is that dads can be loud and proud, open and transparent, about their caring responsibilities at work.

The campaign launched in April, and you may have seen their takeover of the London Underground, with posters across Euston, Victoria and Waterloo stations.

‘Parenting Out Loud’ involves men:

  • Requesting flexible working for childcare reasons

  • Being ‘loud and proud’ about taking parental leave

  • Coming back from parental leave, blogging about it and telling colleagues how good it was and what they learnt

  • Using their out-of-office to talk about childcare responsibilities

  • Being honest with line managers when they need to work from home to look after their sick children

During the General Election campaign, now-Prime Minister Keir Starmer was criticised by the Conservative Party for asserting his intention to finish working on Fridays at 6pm, because it’s reserved for family time.

A while before that, Piers Morgan criticised Daniel Craig for wearing a papoose – questioning his masculinity.

Elliott Rae works with organisations, through keynotes, workshops, and consultancy, to help them support working dads.

According to Elliott, during the pandemic lockdowns, one positive thing that happened was men got to spend more time with their children than ever before, due to having to work from home. Many men found this to be a profoundly positive experience, improving their relationships with their children and making them happier and mentally healthier as a result.

Read the full interview with Elliott Rae, Author, Speaker, and Founder of ‘Parenting Out Loud’: