A guide to overseas recruitment for schools in the Middle East

Employing educators from around the world in Middle Eastern schools brings a multitude of advantages. In this guide we explore the benefits and how to start recruiting teachers from overseas to your school.

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about 2 months ago

Why hire teachers from overseas?

Employing educators from around the world in Middle Eastern schools brings a multitude of advantages. These teachers bring diverse teaching methods, cultural insights, and unique experiences to classrooms, enriching students' perspectives and fostering a deeper understanding of global diversity.

Additionally, international teachers often introduce innovative approaches that enhance the quality of education. Hiring native English speakers or those fluent in English ensures high-quality language instruction, essential for students pursuing higher education abroad or international exams like IELTS and TOEFL. These teachers not only teach the language, but also provide cultural context, making language learning more engaging.

Overseas teachers often possess specialized qualifications and expertise in various subjects, enriching the curriculum and allowing schools to offer a broader range of subjects to cater to individual student interests. In conclusion, recruiting teachers from overseas contributes to a dynamic educational environment, promotes cross-cultural understanding, and enhances the overall quality of teaching and learning.

Requirements when recruiting a teacher from overseas

When considering teaching positions in the Middle East, it’s essential to understand the visa requirements. Let’s explore the specifics:

United Arab Emirates (UAE)

  • Qualifications and experience

In Abu Dhabi or Sharjah, secondary-level teachers need a degree in the subject they are trained to teach (e.g., a math teacher must have a math degree) followed by a PGCE or BEd.

At the primary level, any degree is acceptable, followed by a PGCE or standard BEd.

A minimum of two years of teaching experience is required.

Dubai is more flexible; ECTs (Early Career Teachers) are welcome, and there’s no requirement for secondary school teachers to have studied their subject at the degree level.

ECTs in Dubai must be employed at a British Schools Overseas (BSO) school to complete their ECT year.

  • Teacher Licenses

By 2021, all teachers in the UAE, including those in international schools, need a teacher license.

The Teacher and Education Leadership Standards (TELS) licensing program aims to standardize qualifications for Emirati and expatriate teachers.

TELS UAE standards cover professional conduct, knowledge, practice, and growth.

Existing CPD (Continuing Professional Development) can contribute to achieving the TELS UAE qualification, even if attained outside the UAE.

General Middle East requirements

  • Work visa

Most Middle Eastern countries require a work visa for legal employment.

Visa requirements vary by country, but generally, you’ll need a valid passport and a work permit.

  • Additional checks

Some countries may also require a medical check-up or a criminal background check.

For example, the UAE may have stricter entry tests, such as HIV and tuberculosis blood testing, before granting work clearance.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Who applies for the employment visa?

The school acts as the sponsor for the employment visa. They will initiate the visa application process and cover the associated costs. Ideally, the application should be submitted before the candidate’s arrival in the Middle East.

  • Who arranges the medical examination?

The medical examination is a mandatory step in the visa process. Once the candidate is in the country, the school is responsible for arranging and paying for the medical examination. This straightforward test typically includes a blood test and a chest X-ray.

  • Which documents need attestation?

    • The candidate must have the following documents attested:

    • Educational certificates: These include the degree, degree transcript, and PGCE (if the candidate does not hold a Bachelor of Education).

    • Marriage certificate: If the candidate plans to sponsor their spouse or children, the marriage certificate must be legally translated into Arabic.

    • Children’s birth certificates: These should clearly state the child’s name, current year group, and the expected completion date of the school year.

    • Transfer certificates: Required for all school-aged children.

Additionally, ensure that the documents undergo full attestation, including obtaining the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) stamp from both the candidate’s home country and the Middle Eastern country they are relocating to. This attestation process is essential for processing the employment visa and obtaining approval from the Knowledge and Human Development Authority (KHDA).

Remember that timely attestation of educational certificates is crucial, as the approval process cannot begin until these documents are received.

  • Who arranges the candidate’s flight?

Typically, schools take responsibility for booking and covering the costs of the candidate’s flight. As a general recommendation, candidates should plan to arrive three or four days before the expected start of the induction program at the school.

  • How is accommodation arranged for the candidate?

Most schools provide paid accommodation for teachers relocating. Ideally, this housing should be conveniently located near the workplace to minimize commuting hassles.

Additionally, the accommodation should be fully furnished, with adequate storage in the kitchen and bedrooms.

  • Who covers utility costs?

Teachers are responsible for paying their own utility bills.

  • Transportation from Accommodation to School

During the initial weeks, schools often offer transportation assistance to help teachers until they can arrange their own means of transportation.

Download now: Hiring checklist - overseas recruitment for schools in the Middle East

Work with Reed

Finding and attracting the best talent for your school is one of the key success factors to ensuring that your staff and students are happy and can flourish. Partnering with specialist recruiters, with access to local and international talent alleviates a great amount of work when it comes to finding, screening, and recruiting staff.

With over 60 years of recruitment experience, Reed's education experts are here to help you address any recruitment challenges head-on and help you design and implement an effective recruitment strategy.

Contact our office to find out more. Let’s work together to make your school a hub of excellence and diversity.

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The benefits of teaching in SEND schools

​How many times in your teaching career have you considered breaking from routine to try a new challenge? Over time, in any job, we can benefit from doing things differently and getting out of our comfort zone. Ambitious teachers often climb the career ladder in a traditional fashion – but there are other ways to stretch your talents.

Just imagine the rewards of working with SEND children. The knowledge of making a difference to the lives of those experiencing educational challenges – and seeing them shine – could result in professional and personal growth you could not have anticipated.

Teaching in SEND schools offers a unique opportunity for personal and professional growth. Educators are constantly challenged to adapt their teaching methods to meet the individual needs of each student, driving creativity, innovation, and resilience in their teaching methods. The diverse spectrum of abilities and disabilities present in SEND schools cultivates a rich learning environment, where teachers continually refine their skills and deepen their understanding of inclusive education practices. This immersive experience enhances pedagogical expertise and nurtures empathy and compassion, essential qualities for effective teaching in any setting.

Working in SEND schools enables teachers to make a tangible difference in the lives of their students. Every milestone achieved, no matter how small, represents perseverance and dedication, and seeing the impact of tailored interventions and personalised support on students' academic progress and emotional wellbeing is hugely rewarding.

In SEND schools, educators have the privilege of empowering students to overcome obstacles, unlock their potential, and pursue their dreams, instilling a sense of confidence and self-belief.

Will SEND teaching be right for you?

SEND schools provide a strong sense of community and collaboration among educators, support staff, parents, and stakeholders. The collaborative nature of multidisciplinary teams allows for holistic approaches to student development, where everyone works together towards common goals. There’s a sense of camaraderie and shared purpose within the SEND school community, and a positive work environment where everyone is valued and empowered to thrive.

SEND teachers also benefit from a wealth of professional development opportunities. From specialised training in areas such as autism spectrum disorders, speech and language therapy, and assistive technology to opportunities for advanced qualifications and leadership roles, SEND schools invest in their staff's continuous growth and advancement. This commitment to professional development heightens career prospects as well as equipping teachers with the knowledge and skills needed to meet the evolving needs of their students.

Teaching in SEND schools offers greater autonomy and flexibility in curriculum delivery and teaching methodologies. Educators have the freedom to tailor their lessons to suit the individual learning styles and preferences of their students, building a more inclusive learning experience. This flexibility empowers teachers to experiment with new approaches, ensuring that every student has the opportunity to reach their full potential. Additionally, the smaller class sizes typically found in SEND schools allow for more personalised attention and support.

Rewards of SEND teaching: supporting vulnerable children

Beyond the classroom, teaching in SEND schools is highly rewarding for many reasons, namely making a difference in the lives of some of the most vulnerable members of society. Whether it's celebrating academic achievements, supporting students through emotional challenges, or simply being a source of encouragement and inspiration, SEND teachers can have a lasting impact on young lives.

SEND school teaching benefits at a glance

  • Specialised training: SEND schools offer training and support for teachers to effectively work with SEND students

  • Fulfilling work: SEND schools provide the opportunity for teachers to make a meaningful difference in the lives of students who require additional support

  • Smaller class sizes: SEND schools often have smaller classes, allowing teachers to provide more personalised attention and support to each student

  • Collaborative environment: teachers at SEND schools often work closely with other professionals such as therapists, counsellors, and special education coordinators

  • Career development: working at SEND schools can provide valuable experience and professional development opportunities

Teaching is a noble profession and SEND teaching takes this concept further – drawing on personal and professional attributes including patience, empathy, and compassion. If this sounds like you, we can help you take the next step.

Looking to build a career as a SEND school teacher? Or wanting to find compassionate and inspiring teachers for your SEND school? Get in touch today to find out how we can help.

Hiring fraud: how to safeguard your organisation
6 mins read
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Hiring fraud: how to safeguard your organisation

​To combat the rising tide of hiring fraud, Reed Screening recently joined forces with the Better Hiring Institute and fraud prevention experts Cifas and ST Smith, to launch guidance for employers. This free, comprehensive eBook is now available to download and provides the latest insight into the gravity and scale of threat facing organisations today.

Complete with case studies highlighting common criminal activity, such as resume fraud and employment scams, the guidance offers solutions to counter these tech-based crimes, helping to protect your recruitment teams from falling victim to imposters and impersonators.

We spoke to Keith Rosser, Director of Group Risk & Reed Screening – Reed, about the new guide, Tackling hiring fraud: the response to a growing problem.


Q: How worried should employers be about hiring fraud – what are the worst-case scenarios?

A:Employers should be very worried about hiring fraud. At Reed Screening, we have made huge progress over the last few years in making hiring faster globally, including being referenced by UK government for our work on digital right to work. However, with the development of technology and improvements in the speed of hiring, we have seen an acceleration and amplification of fraud.

The worst-case scenario could be hiring a bad actor who defrauds the company for significant amounts of money leading to job layoffs and even worse. It could be organised criminal groups putting someone inside an organisation from where they can do significant harm through data theft or financial fraud.

Q: Are some organisations more at risk than others?

A:The risks are different. Financial institutions are clearly big targets for organised crime or even individual bad actors. But hiring fraud includes sex offenders getting work with the vulnerable through new ways of changing identity. Hiring fraud also includes unqualified people getting into roles by falsifying their claims on CVs, such as unqualified nurses let loose on wards.

Digital right to work has changed the way illegal working presents itself, meaning all companies are exposed to hiring fraud that involves illegal working.

Q: Are there statistics that illustrate the impact of hiring fraud, compared with pre-AI times?

A:Stats from Cifas’ Fraudscape 23 report include:

  • An 84% rise in false identities

  • Deepfake videos increasing at an annual rate of 900%

  • 10% of UK adults have lied about their degree qualification within a 12-month period, compared with 8% in 2021

A study by Forbes in 2023 also found that 70% of workers lie on their CV.

Q: The new guidance lists fraud across many areas. Can you highlight a few of the most effective tools and practices to detect/prevent them?

A:The two current greatest threats to employers are arguably ‘reference houses’ and artificial intelligence (AI). Reference houses are sophisticated, organised attempts at helping people deceive the hiring process. Over 100 reference houses were identified in 2023 alone. AI is already being abused by some jobseekers to fool interview processes or identity systems through deep fakes. For both it is essential employers have access to known databases of reference houses, use referencing providers with built-in technology to identify reference houses.

At Reed Screening, we typically flag a few reference houses a month using technology. With regards to AI, employers need to decide what their position is on its use by applicants. The most sensible approach is to allow it, as studies have shown its value in attracting Gen Z workers – but be sure to provide information and rules on how to use it correctly when hiring.

Reed Screening spoke alongside Lord Holmes, academics, legal professionals, and industry at a recent parliamentary briefing on AI in hiring, and we are soon to co-launch the first set of industry best practice on the subject.

Q: Of the different types of hiring fraud, which do you feel presents the biggest challenge for organisations?

A:While a number of areas such as the changing nature of immigration fraud, reference houses, and employment scams are rapidly on the rise and posing important questions to business, the single biggest issue is going to be the misuse of AI in hiring. It is already here with industry studies suggested seven-in-10 job applicants have already used AI in some way during their job search.

AI has a lot of exciting benefits and will create a lot of positive opportunities, but it can be misused too. How will companies in future ensure they are hiring the right people when ChatGPT can be employed with competency-based applications and interviews? AI-powered services are already in place tailoring en masse whatever jobseekers put on their CV to meet the requirements of multiple jobs, and deepfakes and associated technology are developing at a fast rate to impersonate people, driving identity fraud and fooling employers.

We are in the foothills about to start the climb, but the pace of change will be like nothing we have seen before. The only comparison I can draw would be the dawn of the internet. AI will be that impactful on hiring.

Q: How might overstretched businesses cope with the costs of implementing/updating safeguarding measures?

A:The challenge for employers is that hiring fraud and available technology to combat it are continuously evolving. Outsourcing is not only the easiest way to remedy this, it is usually the most cost-effective solution too. With many screening companies operating now owned by global firms, never has it been more important to choose the right specialist developing the future policy, legislation, and systems needed to respond.

Q: What action should organisations take if they suspect fraudulent hiring activity?

A:The free guide, spearheaded by the Better Hiring Institute, ‘Tackling hiring fraud: the response to a growing problem’, and co-written by Reed Screening and Cifas, contains a useful checklist for human resources directors and chief people officers to ensure their organisation has all the right defences in place. In terms of reporting issues, it depends on the type and nature of the fraud. If the fraud has been perpetrated by a recruitment agency or job board, this can be reported to the Employment Agency Standards Inspectorate to deal with non-compliant recruitment agencies.

Depending on the severity of the fraud, organisations may well also need to inform insurers, external auditors, and the police. Where an organisation identifies an individual applicant who has committed hiring fraud, in most cases this person will be rejected from the role on the grounds of dishonesty.

Q: How else can Reed Screening help employers?

A:Reed Screening is redefining employment screening. Having worked with the UK Home Office to develop digital right to work, we have since worked with various UK government departments to develop ways of making hiring the faster. Our work in parliament has led to a range of changes and will continue to do so. All of that means Reed Screening can advise hirers on what the future holds, not just on what current legislation says.

As a UK-based, 24-7, family-owned business, we lead on UK employment screening while also having the capability to conduct screening globally. We have recently built brand-new technology platforms with a real focus on speed and candidate journey. As one of the biggest hiring organisations in the UK, we understand the importance of hiring quickly and efficiently with a strong candidate focus.

Our various roles across industry and UK government mean we are setting the new standards for hiring including national hiring frameworks, setting the standard on hiring fraud, and setting the direction on AI in hiring. Reed Screening also chairs the Criminal Records Trade Body as well as running the largest series of free webinars for employers on all aspects of screening and onboarding.

Download the free guide now: Tackling hiring fraud: the response to a growing problem.

Tackling hiring fraud guidance – free download
3 mins read

Tackling hiring fraud guidance – free download

​Hiring fraud is an insidious practice that undermines trust and poses significant financial and reputational risks for businesses. As employers strive to find the right talent, they must remain vigilant against fraudulent activities that can tarnish their operations and brand integrity.

Hiring fraud manifests in various forms, from falsified credentials and fabricated work histories to identity theft and impersonation. These tactics often deceive even the most astute recruiters, leading to the unwitting employment of unqualified or dishonest individuals. The consequences can be dire, ranging from decreased productivity and morale to legal liabilities and damage to company reputation.

Detecting fraudulent applications has become increasingly challenging. However, employers can use several strategies to safeguard their recruitment processes.

Most recently, Reed has contributed to the first guidance of its kind to help organisations protect their recruitment practices. ‘Tackling hiring fraud: the response to a growing problem’ serves as a frontline tool in the battle against fraudulent hiring activity.

Steps to a secure hiring process

The guide, fronted by the Better Hiring Institute, identifies nine types of fraudulent activity: reference fraud, qualification fraud, fake application documents, CV-based fraud, employment scams, manipulation of artificial intelligence, dual employment, immigration fraud and fraud as a result of recruitment agency usage. Each is addressed in detail with case studies and expert guidance on prevention.

As a rule, thorough background checks are indispensable. Employers should verify the authenticity of educational qualifications, professional certifications, and employment histories provided by candidates. Utilising reputable background screening services, such as Reed Screening, can help uncover discrepancies and ensure that prospective hires possess the credentials they claim.

Identity verification measures are essential. Adopting biometric authentication or identity verification technologies will help, reducing the likelihood of impersonation and identity theft.

Stringent interview processes can also serve as a deterrent against fraudulent candidates. Conducting multiple rounds of interviews, including in-person assessments, and soliciting detailed responses can identify genuine candidates from impostors.

Technology can automate and streamline recruitment processes. Candidate tracking systems equipped with fraud detection algorithms can flag irregularities in applications, adding a further layer of protection.

It can also help to raise awareness of hiring fraud with your employees – encouraging them to report suspicious activities and provide avenues for whistleblowing. Providing guidance on how to spot red flags can have a ripple effect, protecting both the business and employees from falling victim to fraud in their career.

Protect your business with our hiring fraud guidance – free download

Technology has enabled criminals to take advantage of traditional recruitment processes, and organisations must adapt if they are to avoid CV fraud, employment scams, manipulation of AI tools and many more tactics.

Reed Screening, together with Better Hiring Institute and other partners, have defined hiring fraud as any fraud committed during the hiring process, which may be committed by an individual against an organisation, or by an entity against a jobseeker.

This comprehensive guide, ‘Tackling hiring fraud: the response to a growing problem’, identifies how employers can protect their organisations, using expert advice on how to prevent the most common criminal activity.

"Employers should be very worried about hiring fraud. At Reed Screening, we have made huge progress over the last few years in making hiring faster globally, including being referenced by UK government for our work on digital right to work. However, with the development of technology and improvements in the speed of hiring, we have seen an acceleration and amplification of fraud."

Keith Rosser
Director of Group Risk & Reed Screening – Reed

The new Better Hiring Institute free guide on tackling hiring fraud, co-written by Reed Screening and Cifas, contains a really useful checklist for HRDs (human resources directors) and CPOs (chief people officers) to use to ensure the company they represent has all the right defences in place.

Download our free hiring fraud guidance to help safeguard your organisation using the button at the top of this page.